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Using over the shoe anti-fatigue footwear to reduce spinal compression, increase sit-reach flexibility, and improve comfort

Posted on:2011-03-05Degree:M.S.P.HType:Thesis
University:The Texas A&M University System Health Science CenterCandidate:Smith, John Rudolph, JrFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390002454954Subject:Health Sciences
The purpose of this study was to determine if increasing the thickness of the interface between heel strike and ground with an over the shoe anti-fatigue footwear, ErgoMates, would reduce spinal compression, increase sit-reach flexibility and improve comfort.;The location of the study was an industrial overhaul and repair facility. Twenty-seven subjects whose job required them to walk at least four hours during their work period participated in the study. Stature, sit-reach flexibility, and perceived body parts (upper back, lower back, hips/buttocks, thighs, knees, shins, and ankles/feet) discomfort level measurement was collected from each of the subjects at the beginning and ending of their work period for two days. For the first day of the study, measurement data was collected with subjects wearing their normal work shoes, and on the following day, measurement data was collected again, but subjects were given a pair of anti-fatigue strap on soles to wear over their work shoes.;Data were analyzed using t-tests to determine if there was a significant difference between the two mornings and afternoons of the study. The t-test analysis showed no statistical significance for stature, sit-reach flexibility, and body discomfort between the two mornings. For the two afternoons, the t-test analysis did show for the strap on sole a statistical significance for a reduction in stature loss of .31 cm (p-value: 0.0035), an increase in sit-reach flexibility of 1.05cm (p-value: 0.0422), and a decrease in perceived discomfort level for the following body parts: 97% for upper back (p-value: 0.046), 82% for lower back (p-value: 0.0055), 92% for left thigh (p-value: 0.0082), 63% for left knee (p-value: 0.0322), 81% for right knee (p-value: 0.0067), 86% for left shin (p-value: 0.0055), 66% for left ankle/foot (p-value: 0.0055) and 60% for right ankle/foot (p-value: 0.0274).;Twenty-five (25) out of twenty-seven (27) subjects responded, "Yes" to the question " would you keep the ErgoMates if given the opportunity?" All subjects responded "No" to the question "did you feel un-safe while wearing the ErgoMates?" All except one subject responded "Yes" to the question "was the ErgoMates comfortable to wear?"...
Keywords/Search Tags:Sit-reach flexibility, P-value, Anti-fatigue, Over, Increase, Ergomates
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