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Material type and soil moisture determination based on radar response

Posted on:2007-04-15Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Mattei Lago, Enrico AFull Text:PDF
Ground Penetrating Radar, GPR, is a widely used tool for probing the sub-surface in such applications as pavement monitoring, humanitarian de-mining, and exploratory geophysics, among others. Its advantage lies in that it provides information about the composition of the sub-surface in a fast, non-invasive fashion.; The work presented herein relies on the application of GPR to the problems of material type, e.g., soil types, and soil moisture determination. The task is attacked from a systems perspective to obtain a signature for each material at different moisture levels. This signature has discriminatory characteristics that are exploited with the use of a Neural Network, NN, which is able to distinguish between different materials and moisture levels with reasonable accuracy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Moisture, Material, Soil
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