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Analyse fonctionnelle du gene BMP-2 lors de la regeneration du membre chez l'axolotl

Posted on:2011-06-27Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Guimond, Jean-CharlesFull Text:PDF
Urodele amphibians (e.g. the axolotls) have a remarkable ability to regenerate parts of their body. They will, among other things, fully regenerate an amputated limb by epimorphosis, a biphasic process comprising a preparation phase, specific to the regeneration, and a redevelopment phase, common to epimorphosis and embryonic development. During the preparation phase, the cells of the stump dedifferentiate into embryonic-like cells, proliferate and migrate distally from the level of amputation to form a regeneration blastema. Among vertebrates, the process of dedifferentiation is unique to urodeles. To better understand the molecular control of regeneration in urodeles, we chose to study BMP-2, a growth factor, because of its involvement in mammalian digit tip regeneration. The transcription factor MSX-1 has also been selected because of its ability to induce cellular dedifferentiation in vitro and its potential interaction with BMPs signaling. The results presented in this thesis show that BMP-2 and MSX-1 are expressed during phases of preparation and redevelopment of epimorphosis, and their spatio-temporal expression profiles are very similar at each stage of epimorphosis, suggesting an interaction of their signals during regeneration. In addition, in tetrapod amniotes, the expression of Shh is restricted to the posterior mesenchyme of developing limbs and overlaps with the expression of BMP-2. However, the expression of BMP-2 is not restricted to the posterior region but forms a posterior-anterior gradient. Shh is the main regulator of the anteriorposterior pattern formation of developing limbs. Given the overlapping expression domains of Shh and BMP-2, and the expression restriction of Shh in posterior, Shh is believed to regulate the pattern formation of developing limbs by the activation of BMP-2 expression. Interestingly, the axolotl also expresses Shh in the posterior region, but the limb develops from anterior to posterior rather than posterior to anterior as in other tetrapods, and this, during development and epimorphosis. We used this feature of the axolotl to demonstrate that Shh signaling does not regulate pattern formation through BMP-2. Indeed, the expression of BMP-2 is not regulated by the inhibition of hh signaling, and its expression is opposite to that of Shh during development and regeneration of the axolotl limb. It was observed, during limb development in mice that MSX-1 is regulated by Shh signaling. Our results suggest that in the axolotl, MSX-1 is not regulated by the inhibition of Shh signaling during limb regeneration. Furthermore, we demonstrated that unlike the expression of Shh, the expression of BMP-2 is correlated with the order of formation of the phalanges, is involved in cell condensation and apoptosis preceding chondrogenesis. Taken together, these results suggest a role for BMP-2 in the initiation of endochondral ossification. Finally, we demonstrated that BMP signaling is essential for the redevelopment phase of limb epimorphosis.;Keywords: Urodele, axolotl, limb regeneration, dedifferentiation, pattern formation, condensation, apoptosis, BMP-2, MSX-1, Shh.
Keywords/Search Tags:BMP-2, Axolotl, Regeneration, Shh, MSX-1, Pattern formation, Limb, Epimorphosis
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