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Development of a five-section model for computing lightning current in the CN Tower

Posted on:2007-09-15Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Boev, IvanFull Text:PDF
The aim of this work is to develop a sophisticated Five-Section Model of the CN Tower, which will be capable to accurately estimate propagation of the lightning current within this complex structure. In the model, the CN Tower and the associated lightning channel are represented as a number of transmission lines connected in series. A perfectly conducting ground is assumed.; In the Thesis two computational approaches, both based on the transmission line theory, are implemented. In the first approach, a new code (in Matlab) has been developed by the author. In the second, a commercially available program (Power Systems Computer Aided Design - PSCAD) was adopted and used. Current waveforms computed by both algorithms have been found not only to match satisfactorily the waveshapes of lightning events recorded on the CN Tower, but also to emulate closely the outcomes of two other computational algorithms existing in the technical literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:CN tower, Five-section model, Lightning current
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