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California's Golden Chain Highway 49 of Mother Lode: A case study of historic significance and qualification as a National Heritage Area corridor

Posted on:2008-11-17Degree:M.H.PType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Cowan, Marla Yvette-Sterling (Griffin)Full Text:PDF
This case study explores the national significance along the Mother Lode Golden Chain Highway 49 in California, the history and development of highway, historic resources and characteristics of the region, and qualification for designation as a National Heritage Area.; Almost all the towns and communities along California's Highway 49 retain much of their Gold Rush era historic resources, culture and traditions. In 2001, advocates of the region sought through legislation to preserve Gold Rush heritage and culture and promote its national story and significance through designation as a National Heritage Area. Although initial legislation was unsuccessful, the Highway 49 "Golden Chain" of the Mother Lode qualifies as a National Heritage area and further attempts should be made to acquire Congressional authorization and designation.
Keywords/Search Tags:National heritage area, Golden chain highway, Mother lode, Case study, California, Historic
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