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Continuation methods for steady state analysis of oscillators

Posted on:2008-03-30Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Lee, Chong KyongFull Text:PDF
Oscillator circuits are an integral component of wireless communications systems and are increasingly in demand. As such systems gain widespread use, price becomes a very important factor in the design process, and the design cycle must be optimized. This puts an increasing emphasis on the proficiency of oscillator design automation tools. At the same time, as the performance requirements of such systems are becoming more stringent, the required simulation complexity is also increasing. More specifically, high frequency selectivity and low phase noise require very high quality factor oscillators, which in turn negatively affect the convergence performance of current simulation techniques. This thesis proposes a new continuation method for improving the convergence of oscillator simulations and compares this method to some of the methods reported in the literature. The proposed approach does not require a very good initial guess in order to converge to a final solution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Such systems
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