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Methods for sediment budgeting along the middle Trinity River

Posted on:2009-04-28Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Texas Christian UniversityCandidate:Garnett, Richard Everard, IIIFull Text:PDF
This thesis examines the procedures and relative merits of some of the methods available for sediment budgeting focusing on the middle Trinity River, Texas. These methods included analysis of historical sediment and flow gaging station data, GIS digitization of sand bars, and field measurement of sand bar storage. The gaging station data indicated the middle Trinity River acts as a sediment source for the lower reaches. To understand where this surplus of sediment is coming from, it was necessary to consider tributary loading data, GIS analysis of Natural Resource Inventory (NRI) erosion rates, and lake survey data. This information showed that sediment storage along the Trinity River is extensive. We infer that sediment in the middle Trinity River is most likely being sourced from the reworking of sediment as the river moves across the floodplain in addition to the river channel itself.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sediment, Middle trinity river, Methods, Data GIS, Gaging station data
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