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Biomechanics of dynamic muscular effort: Effects of load

Posted on:2008-10-10Degree:M.S.EdType:Thesis
University:University of KansasCandidate:Moodie, Patrick GFull Text:PDF
Purpose. This study investigated the effect of load on movement related effort during cyclic, single joint dynamic movements. Three different inertial loads at five different efforts were used during testing. Methods. 10 right hand dominant males participated in this experiment. Elbow flexion and extension was performed at one frequency (2 Hz) with three different loads (0kg, 1.2kg, 2.4kg). The participants were required to produce angular displacements that corresponded to effort levels of 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 on a modified Borg CR-10 scale. Mean angular displacement, peak angular velocity, peak angular acceleration, and resultant joint torque for each condition were calculated. Results. With increases in effort there were increases in the dependant variable measurements, and with increases in load there was a decrease in dependant variable measurements. Conclusions. Increasing load will decrease the slope of the effort curve and decreasing load will increase the slope of the effort curve...
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