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Small water systems in British Columbia: Possible obstacles and challenges in management

Posted on:2009-07-21Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Zumpano, Tanji Angelique TheresaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390005955044Subject:Environmental Sciences
In 2000, water system contamination resulted in seven deaths and 2,321 illnesses in Walkerton, Ontario, and in 2001, 7,100 illnesses in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. These catastrophic incidents spurred new provincial drinking water quality regulations nationwide. In British Columbia, the Drinking Water Protection Act provides a regulatory framework designed to achieve safe drinking water, but many rural small water systems (SWS) are not complying with this legislation and some are under boil water orders. A cross-case analysis of three differently managed SWS in BC's Central Kootenay Regional District finds that capacity issues influence how SWS purveyors perceive and respond to safe drinking water risks. A governance strategy is presented to aid SWS, regional government, and the local health agency to collaboratively address these issues to supply safe drinking water in rural areas and communities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Water, SWS
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