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Experimental characterization of slot film cooling flows with minimally intrusive diagnostics

Posted on:2009-11-08Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, College ParkCandidate:Raffan, FernandoFull Text:PDF
The performance of a propulsion system is directly proportional to its operating temperature; therefore, an optimum operation regime will undoubtedly generate intense thermal loads on system components. If the system is designed for reusability and/or long range missions, it may be necessary to perform active cooling of critical components to prevent premature failure of the system. One such method is film cooling, in which a layer of relatively cool gas is injected near the surface to be protected. This work describes the use of minimally intrusive diagnostics to characterize the kinematics, thermal dynamics and heat transfer of slot film cooling flows over a wide range of blowing ratios, generating a comprehensive database for detailed analysis, as well as for further use by model developers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Film cooling, System
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