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Coordinated traffic signal systems for municipalities

Posted on:2007-12-06Degree:M.S.C.EType:Thesis
University:West Virginia UniversityCandidate:Nale, Scott KFull Text:PDF
Many municipalities have a need for a document which examines installation and operations methods used in coordinated traffic signal systems. Included within this document are the results of surveys of various municipalities which range in population from thirty three thousand persons to in excess of five hundred thousand persons. Along with the state of practice information, some conclusions and recommendations are defined so that municipalities may begin to implement coordinated traffic signal systems within their jurisdiction. This document will be of interest to those persons who manage, operate, and maintain traffic signal systems; in addition, engineers and municipal officials tasked with developing such a system will find benefit in this document.
Keywords/Search Tags:Coordinated traffic signal, Municipalities, Document
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