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Analysis of planetary exploration spacesuit systems and evaluation of a modified partial-gravity simulation technique

Posted on:2007-12-10Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Colorado at BoulderCandidate:Chappell, Steven PatrickFull Text:PDF
Building on prior experience during Apollo, NASA now plans to send humans back to the Moon and then on to Mars as part of its Vision for Space Exploration. An integral component for enabling this plan is the development of advanced spacesuit systems. A planetary exploration spacesuit system consists of an astronaut, a spacesuit, and the associated surface systems designed to enable completion of mission objectives. This thesis addresses all three aspects, beginning with an examination of the effects of locomotion stability in lunar and Mars gravity from a metabolic energy expenditure standpoint. An experiment to determine the effects of stability on running in reduced gravity was performed with a modified vertical offload partial gravity device. Operations scenarios were also developed, along with engineering analysis to understand the forces and moments involved in partial gravity locomotion. Analysis is presented to assess the applicability of terrestrial exploration systems and to adapt them for planetary exploration. Access systems for partial gravity planetary explorations are described that may allow humans in spacesuits to safely access scientifically significant terrain on the Moon and Mars. Contingency scenarios for effective rescue of astronauts from flat and sloped terrain were also analyzed. Conclusions and recommendations are offered regarding the effectiveness of the simulation technique developed. An Earth-based field testing program plan is presented with the intent of including access systems in the lunar surface system architecture requirements early enough to allow synergies in component design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Systems, Planetary exploration, Gravity, Spacesuit, Partial
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