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Connecting contemporary art and landscape architecture through a site specific approach

Posted on:2008-08-05Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Moylan, MichelleFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390005455566Subject:Fine Arts
Landscape architecture and site-specific art interact with the landscape similarly, responding to the environmental, experiential, and social distinctiveness of a location. This study integrates landscape architectural and contemporary artistic approaches in cultural landscape intervention. A design process is proposed that engages intuitive understanding of a landscape and its context as the springboard for the creation of new place-bound identities. The approach is applied to a design proposal for the gradual rehabilitation of a site in Malta, from a landfill into an urban park and waste management facility. The Four trace concepts in landscape architecture is used to generate design ideas by synthesizing subjective and objective data at the intersection of site, author, and art theory. The results illustrate how the site-specific approach to place-making offers a unique set of insights that inform design such that it remains open to diverse cultural experiences and accommodates evolving landscape processes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Landscape, Approach
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