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Semi-active control through switching algorithm development of structural interaction

Posted on:2009-10-03Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Columbia UniversityCandidate:Joung, JinWookFull Text:PDF
Active interaction control (AIC) and active variable stiffness (AVS) systems have previously been proposed as viable semi-active control systems. The objective of the AIC and AVS systems are to decrease the motion of a primary structure by active controlled switching between two modes of operation; engagement or disengagement, through an interaction device, with an auxiliary structure. The switching is supervised by the switching controller consisting of appropriately designed switching control algorithms.;Recently developed switching control algorithms were shown to be effective in reducing structural responses of the AIC and AVS systems. However, they have the main drawback of requiring an excessive amount of switching and high interaction force, particularly for the AIC system.;In this thesis, the regions where the switching is activated or deactivated are described for the existing switching control algorithms, such as the AID and on-off switching algorithms, for the AIC and AVS systems. The general relation between the switching region and the deactivated switching region is described within a comprehensive switching framework, which is constructed here to design switching algorithms efficiently, and new engagement-disengagement conditions are proposed and described within the comprehensive switching framework. Their effectiveness of reducing the total amount of switching and limiting the interaction force is considered for a single degree of freedom (SODF) model.
Keywords/Search Tags:Switching, Interaction, AIC, AVS
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