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Beaufort coast wind climatology and case study of a high wind event

Posted on:2010-11-26Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Small, DavidFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390002978011Subject:Atmospheric Sciences
Tuktoyaktuk, a community along the Beaufort coast in the western Canadian Arctic, experiences serious coastal erosion during periods of strong and persistent northwesterly winds during the late summer season when the sea ice coverage reaches its annual minimum. The prevalence of strong northwesterly winds along the Beaufort coast has often been linked to the passage of powerful storms. In this study, a climatology of late summer winds at Tuktoyaktuk is compiled that links the observed wind regime to the orography of the Brooks Range. The climatology and a detailed case study of an extreme wind event indicate that an anticyclone over the Chukchi or western Beaufort Seas is conducive for cold air damming events north of the Brooks Range that alter the pressure gradient in a direction favorable for strong northwesterly geostrophic winds over Tuktoyaktuk to be mixed to the surface in a neutrally stratified atmosphere.
Keywords/Search Tags:Beaufort coast, Wind, Strong, Climatology
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