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Modelisation des couts aux usagers du reseau routier Quebecois

Posted on:2010-12-13Degree:M.IngType:Thesis
University:Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Canada)Candidate:Roy, Jean-PhilippeFull Text:PDF
The way roads are operated and managed have a direct effect on the costs paid by users and the community in general. These costs are related to vehicle wear and operation, traffic congestion and environmental impacts.;The main objective of this research is to develop a procedure that quantifies road users and social costs. This is done by taking into account the condition and the performance of the road network as well as the vehicle fleet.;The procedures that were developed within the framework of this study were done according to the system used by the Quebec DOT. With this in mind, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to elaborate performance indicators to be used by the strategic planning directorate (HERS-ST). A model that is used to evaluate vehicle utilization cost in relation to the pavement conditions was elaborated for the Pavement laboratory directorate (HDM-4).;Keywords. road user cost, modelling, road management, transportation economic, HDM-4, HERS-ST.
Keywords/Search Tags:Road
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