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An assessment and analysis of issues and patterns associated with the utilization of open spaces by Latino immigrants in an urban neighborhood in Boston

Posted on:2011-01-12Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Tufts UniversityCandidate:Sanchez, Juan JFull Text:PDF
Using a case-study approach of the Boston neighborhood of Allston-Brighton, this thesis addresses determinants of park usage among Latinos. Two focus groups with Latino residents and an interview with a community organizer were conducted. Responses from the focus groups suggest that although most residents live near a park boundary, the parks do not meet the cultural needs of this population. Rather, participants voiced a need for designated soccer fields and open green space for family-oriented activities such as picnicking and grilling. In order to improve the cultural competence of urban parks, it is imperative to include the Latino community in future open space planning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Latino, Open
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