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Numerical modeling of one-dimensional discrete source detonation

Posted on:2011-11-05Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Javaid, MehshanFull Text:PDF
Detonation is a branch of combustion that is initiated by an exothermic chemical reaction and it results in a supersonic shock wave called the " Detonation Wave". Generally detonation occurs in homogenous reacting gaseous, liquid or solid media. However sometimes, detonation is also observed in highly non-uniform medium which contains detonable sources (reacting gaseous, liquid or solid media) in a discrete pattern. This project focuses on the study of effect of discrete energy sources on the detonation wave velocity with the help of numerical modeling and simulations.;For the calculation of detonation wave velocities for medium with discrete sources, numerical analysis was carried out on an in-house one dimension Euler code. Modifications in the code were made to use it for continuous detonation purpose initially to verify the exact CJ detonation velocity through the code and then at a later stage, other modifications were made to the code to use it for discrete detonation phenomenon.;Using the in-house numerical code for solving supersonic flow problems, the continuous detonation system was modeled and the results obtained were within 0.05% difference with respect to the exact CJ Detonation Velocity. Afterwards, discrete detonation system was modeled and numerical experiments were performed. It was observed that the detonation wave velocity increases with the increase in discreteness of energy source which is consistent with the theoretical study done by Higgins A.;The energy release as a result of detonation is continuous for a homogenous gaseous mixture and generally results in a Chapman Jouguet (CJ) Detonation Velocity. However in the presence of discrete energy sources, the detonation velocity comes out to be higher than the CJ Detonation Velocity as observed theoretical by Higgins A. (Proc. 20th ICDERS, Montreal, 2005). This project aims to find numerical solutions for highly discrete detonation systems to verify the already existing theoretical results for discrete detonation systems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Detonation, Discrete, Numerical, Results, Exact CJ, Reacting gaseous liquid
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