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'The Seagull' by Anton Chekhov: A lighting design thesis production

Posted on:2011-10-03Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Boyd, Christal RFull Text:PDF
In partial fulfillment of a Master of Fine Arts degree, this thesis paper documents the lighting design process of the University of Arkansas' Spring 2009 production of Anton Chekhov's The Seagull. This paper describes the analysis of the play, the research, the development process, and implementation of the lighting design.;The paper shows how I developed a plot and cued it to make it appropriate for the range of daytime during act one and the interior scenes of the later acts. I will also examine how the psyches of the characters influenced cue timing in the later acts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lighting design
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