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Analysis of off-peak traffic signal operations

Posted on:2009-01-10Degree:M.C.EType:Thesis
University:University of DelawareCandidate:Amanzholov, AnuarFull Text:PDF
A traffic signal plays a major role in the overall safety and efficiency of traffic operations at an intersection. The type of operation strategy and signal timings utilized are typically based on the designed operation of the intersection at a desired Level of Service during peak traffic conditions. However, during off-peak traffic periods, the same strategy could cause extensive vehicle delay when much lower traffic volumes are present.;The main objective of the study is to define the existing off-peak issues and propose solutions to mitigate problems. This study describes various off-peak period issues and includes reviews of modern traffic signal control systems. It also entails an evaluation of different traffic signal operation strategies which can be deployed to mitigate the off-peak issues. This study also covers flashing signal controls and adaptive control systems.;Another objective is to perform a computer simulation which is included to extend the scope of the research. The results showed that upgrades and optimization of traffic signal controls can be an efficient way to decrease number of stops, gas consumption and vehicle emissions.;The results of the study showed that actuated traffic signal controls are the best solution for low traffic volume periods. Implementation of actuated traffic controls can decrease overall delay, number of stops, gas consumption and vehicle emissions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traffic, Operation, Gas consumption and vehicle emissions
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