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Evaluation of bridge deck curing procedures

Posted on:2010-01-19Degree:M.S.C.EType:Thesis
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Arratia, Sergio GonzaloFull Text:PDF
Concrete structures should always be cured after they are cast and finished. Slab surfaces are more sensitive to the curing methods applied since they have a larger surface area than other concrete structures. Emergence of cracks is common in concrete bridge decks, even before they are in service. This research emphasizes the identification of an adequate curing method or procedure to minimize plastic shrinkage in concrete bridge decks. Three objectives were followed: (1) small scale mortar slabs were built to test curing procedures, (2) a proper curing procedure was identified to reduce plastic shrinkage cracks, and (3) recommendations were made to modify curing procedures being used by the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD).
Keywords/Search Tags:Curing, Bridge
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