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Toward the aerodynamic shape optimization of wind turbine profiles

Posted on:2010-06-17Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Ritlop, Robert MFull Text:PDF
This research presents automatic aerodynamic shape optimization results for the NREL S809 wind turbine profile. The objective of this re-design was to improve the total lift to drag ratio for steady low-Mach number flows. This research sets the groundwork for the development of a multidisciplinary optimization framework for complete wind turbine rotors. To develop the aerodynamic design framework for the wind turbine applications, low-Mach preconditioning and Menter's k-o SST turbulence model have been implemented into the flow solver. A preconditioned discrete viscous adjoint-based automatic aerodynamic optimization method has been developed and validated. Various design case studies of the NREL Phase VI blade, at different free-stream Mach numbers, have been conducted.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wind turbine, Aerodynamic, Optimization
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