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River of conflict: The White River during the Civil War

Posted on:2011-08-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Pfeifler, Anna RuthFull Text:PDF
"River of Conflict" is an examination of the activities on and along the White River in Arkansas during the Civil War. In their efforts to gain and hold control of the river, the military strategies of both the Union and Confederate armies were greatly influenced by the river. Union forces used it as a path of invasion in 1862 and 1863, and once they captured Little Rock the river became a crucial supply mute for the occupying Federal troops in the capital. Following the loss of their capital, Confederate guerrillas and cavalry spent the latter half of the war practicing hit-and-run tactics against the Union boats and garrisons on and along the river in an attempt to diminish Union power in the area. Ultimately, the Federal's ability to keep the White open for their vessels allowed them to maintain control of the state until the end of the war.
Keywords/Search Tags:River, War
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