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Dynamic modeling and analysis of a population of Pseudomonas under iron chelating considerations

Posted on:2007-01-03Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Fgaier, HediaFull Text:PDF
In this thesis, a dynamic model that is able to describe the pseudomonas-pyoverdine system under iron chelating considerations is presented. Growth of pseudomonas was assumed to follow the familiar Monod kinetics while the production of pyoverdine as a siderphore was described in the model through the use of a novel differential equation. This equation correctly relates the rate of production of pyoverdine to both iron availability in the system and also to the rate of growth of pseudomonas. The theoretical properties of the model, the model behavior at small and large times, and local stability were analyzed using methods of ordinary differential equations.; The model equations were also solved numerically and the results were compared to experimental observations. A Sequential Quadratic Programming method combined with a multiobjective optimization approach was employed to find the set of parameters that gives a best fit between the experimental data and model predictions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Iron chelating considerations, Pseudomonas
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