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Fractal analysis of fractured dental ceramics

Posted on:2008-08-29Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:The Texas A&M University System Health Science CenterCandidate:Butler, Brian CoitFull Text:PDF
GTID:2441390005974567Subject:Health Sciences
The purpose of this study was to measure the fractal dimension of fractured dental crowns consisting of In-Ceram Zirconia core layer and a Vitadur Alpha veneer layer and then determine if the fractal dimension correlates to the origin of failure for the crown. An impression was made of the fracture surface of the crowns, poured in epoxy, coated with gold, a second layer of epoxy poured, and then the surface polished at an angle to the fracture surface. The fracture surface was observed by an optical microscope, and four to five images were made to observe the fracture surface by the slit island technique. Then, the fractal dimension was measured by the Richardson technique, which involves measuring the coastline of the slit islands. The results did not yield precise measurements of the fractal dimension due to uncontrollable variation in polishing angle, and therefore no correlations could be made between the measured fractal dimension and the origin of failure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fractal, Fracture
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