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Etude des parametres du procede de micro moulage par injection de poudres ceramiques

Posted on:2007-11-06Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada)Candidate:So, Siu Kee VickyFull Text:PDF
Different methods of micro-fabrication consist of producing microscopic parts with very high dimensional tolerances. Up to now, the process of micro injection molding has been identified as the most promising because of its capability to produce parts in series and also of its low cost. However, there are still many future challenges for this newly developed technology. This research project consisted of an evaluation of the process parameters for the ceramic micro injection moulding process. Characterization tests were first completed on an alumina (Al2O3) based feedstock, the material selected for this project. The feedstock was then shaped using a manual press, as well as the Microsystem 50 micro injection machine by Battenfeld. The parts were debinded with solvent and by pyrolysis, bringing them to the last step of the micro injection process, sintering. The main variable tested in this project was the debinding/sintering support. Numerous characterization methods were used to classify their influence on dimensional variations of the final product. In this process, the molding step was identified as the limiting step since defects created during this step are usually difficult to rectify. The debinding procedures were altered from the ones provided by the feedstock manufacturer in order to tailor them to the existing equipment. Finally, the debinding/sintering support made with alumina powder was identified as the one yielding the best results, with parts undergoing the least amount of dimensional variations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Micro, Parts, Injection, Dimensional, Process
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