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'Bringing balance to the Force': Mythic and religious imagery in the 'Star Wars' prequel films

Posted on:2007-09-13Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Central Missouri State UniversityCandidate:Carr, Patrick AFull Text:PDF
This thesis is a critical analysis of the use of mythological and religious influences in the Star Wars prequel films. The examination focused on two central questions: (1) Do the prequel films reflect George Lucas' interest in the theories of Joseph Campbell? (2) Is the central character of the saga, Anakin Skywalker, a messianic figure?;The methods chosen to analyze the mythic images in the films were Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey and Cosmogonic Cycle, and Anton Kozlovic's Characteristics of the Cinematic Christ-figure.;Analysis of the films reveals that Lucas has not only continued to reflect classic mythological themes in Star Wars, but that he has altered or reversed many of the original myths in order to tell the story of a villainous hero, or a "Dark Messiah."...
Keywords/Search Tags:Films, Prequel
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