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Trajectory of liquid jets exposed to a low subsonic cross airflow

Posted on:2007-06-21Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Iyogun, Christopher OmokhowaFull Text:PDF
Liquid jets exposed to a low subsonic cross airflow are studied experimentally to determine spray trajectories of the jets' upper boundaries. The water jet's trajectory of the lower boundaries is also investigated qualitatively. The nozzle diameter as well as the cross airflow and water jet speeds are varied to provide a wide range of experimental conditions. Although the study of a water jet in subsonic crossflow is not entirely novel, the results of previous research are extended to a low subsonic crossflow range having a maximum axial velocity of about 70 m/s. The previous assertion that data from the supersonic range could be extrapolated to subsonic cases is shown to be largely true, even with a wider range of momentum flux ratios than those considered previously. In addition, an attempt is made to unravel the 'mystery' behind the lack of a single water spray trajectory correlation and to appraise previous correlations with a view to knowing their limitations. While many investigations have been carried out for water jet in cross airflow, little work has been done for viscous liquids. Consequently, the effect of liquid viscosity on the trajectory/penetration of liquid jets in a low subsonic cross airflow is also studied. It is shown that, as the viscosity increases initially penetration also increases but a further increase in viscosity produces a decrease in the penetration especially far from the nozzle exit.
Keywords/Search Tags:Low subsonic cross, Cross airflow, Liquid, Jet, Trajectory
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