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Application de la mecanique quantique a la resolution de problemes de spectroscopie: Developpement de methodes pour le calcul de proprietes d'etats metastables

Posted on:2008-05-17Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Tremblay, Jean ChristopheFull Text:PDF
In the present thesis we develop numerical methods to extract information on properties of metastable states. First, we study the photodissociation of gazeous HF in a strong, chirped electromagnetic field. The evolution of the system can be characterized by the time dependant Schrodinger equation. We propose here a novel scheme for solving the equation based on the direct numerical integration in the interaction representation using a cleverly defined preconditioner.;Second, we study the energies and wavefunctions of metastable states of the acetylene-vinylidene system, which is one of the simplest isomerization reaction. These vibrational metastable states are at very high energy (57 kcal/mol) and have therefore not yet been characterized exactly. We have developed a new iterative method based on the Lanczos algorithm in combination with a particular contracted basis in order to simultaneously obtain eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian. We have adapted and parallelized a recently published method as well as implemented a local reorthogonalization scheme. The longest lived vinylidene states have been obtained at what is believed to be spectroscopic accuracy.;Third, we develop a method for studying resonance states of HCO. A complex absorbing potential (CAP) is usually needed in order to remove the asymptotic part of their wavefunction. We have developed, based on recently published ideas, a method that renders the calculation of resonance states efficient while avoiding complex arithmetic. A basis of damped eigenvectors is obtained from a variant of the Lanczos algorithm and used to minimize the perturbation of the Hamiltonian by the CAP. The new scheme is very robust and a "black box" generalization of the ideas is proposed for solving general real unsymmetric eigenproblems.;Keywords: Molecular dynamics, theoretical spectroscopy, method development, metastables state, resonance, photodissociation, isomerization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Method, Metastable
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