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Contribution au developpement d'un capteur ultrasonique pour mesurer l'epaisseur de la glace

Posted on:2007-09-10Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi (Canada)Candidate:Ghalmi, ZahiraFull Text:PDF
Advancement of research in the development of new types of more powerful sensors intended for the cold region is necessary to increase the reliability of electrical overhead networks under atmospheric icing conditions. For this purpose, these sensors must be capable of measuring ice accumulation thickness.; In this context, the use of the ultrasonic sensor is essential because of their capacity to measure accumulations of high thickness. The purpose of the present report, undertaken within the framework of Canada Research Chair of Atmospheric Icing and Power Network Engineering (INGIVRE) at the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi, is to contribute to the development of an ultrasonic sensor able to punctually measure the thickness of an accumulation of ice on a surface and to discriminate between different types of precipitations.; Thus, the work completed within the framework of this project has contributed to a better comprehension of the effects of the ultrasounds and of their propagation through various accumulated media (ice, white frost and water). Moreover, these results will contribute to improve the design of new types of ultrasonic sensors, better adapted to cylindrical surfaces and capable of measuring the distribution of cold precipitations on a surface. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
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