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Nanoporous and nanostructured aluminum and titanium oxide thin films

Posted on:2008-05-21Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Froimovitch, AdamFull Text:PDF
Nanoporous alumina (NPA) and Nanostructured titania (NST) films are fabricated and characterized. The NPA is grown by anodic oxidation of aluminium metal. The structure and growing behavior of the NPA films are analyzed for a range of anodizing voltages. An accurate optical model is proposed for the NPA films over the entire range of voltages explored. The optical model is made to fit transparency data using the Levenberg Marquardt algorithm. The NPA is appropriate for optically-based sensing. The NST films are fabricated using a simple chemical oxidation technique and then analyzed for structure, stress, transparency, crystallinity and surface area. A well crystallized NST film with a specific surface area of 535m2/ g is obtained by annealing the as-oxidized at films 240°C. The low temperature anneal is compatible with roll to roll processing of dye sensitized solar cells or flexible electronics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Films, NPA, NST
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