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Numerical simulation of thin liquid film drainage under the influence of pressure and electrical forcing

Posted on:2009-11-17Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Crawford, David GlenFull Text:PDF
Thin liquid films are encountered in a broad spectrum of physical systems, and have been widely studied. Recently, thin films have become relevant in novel nano-fabrication applications. The primary objective of this study was to develop a mathematical model of film drainage in presence of pressure and an electric field to elucidate the patterns that can form under different types of forcing.;A 'long-wave' asymptotic analysis was used to condense the governing fluid and electrostatic equations into a single partial differential equation for film thickness. A numerical solution of the highly non-linear equation was obtained using finite differences in space and a differential algebraic solver in time.;A large parametric phase-space was explored to elucidate the influence of forcing, frequency of the periodic heterogeneity, and relative orientations of the chemical and electrical heterogeneity on the drainage dynamics and the ensuing quasi-equilibrium structures of the film.
Keywords/Search Tags:Film, Drainage
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