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Thermoelectric properties of cobalt doped perovskites

Posted on:2009-01-01Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Northern Illinois UniversityCandidate:Himes, Michael ThomasFull Text:PDF
This study examined the thermoelectric effect in solid oxide perovskite (ABO3) materials. N-type and p-type materials with high conversion efficiencies are needed for a wide range of applications including waste heat recovery in automobiles. The study employs large phonon scattering elements with ionic radii, Yttrium, Dysprosium, Europium, Lanthanum, on the A-site. The B-site features cobalt, though other transition metal ions like nickel and manganese were attempted. The oxygen content can be varied by doping A and B-sites and varying synthesis conditions. Perovskite materials with an isovalent B-site, in this case Co 3+, are predicted by the Heikes formula to yield the highest thermoelectric power. Deviating slightly from isovalency through charge doping can result in the good n-type and p-type materials that are necessary for application. Thermoelectric power can be enhanced by a disparity in degeneracy between two competing spin states.;Many measured properties of these materials are shown to be consistent with recently published studies. New materials are proposed which may meet the demands of efficiency at the temperature of application.
Keywords/Search Tags:Materials, Thermoelectric
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