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Developpement d'une methode de generanon et de simulation des trajectoires pour l'analyse des processus d'affaires

Posted on:2009-11-10Degree:M.IngType:Thesis
University:Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Canada)Candidate:Mokadem, AbdelkaderFull Text:PDF
Heath care industry is continuously looking for new strategies in order to meet the needs of its increasing clientele. In order to improve the health care systems and meet these needs, participants must well understand the health care processes. These interrelated processes often involve several resources and departments.;In this research we developed two modules for the analysis of business processes. The first module is the automation of pathways generation and the second module is the deterministic simulation.;Pathway analysis is an important part of business processes analysis. The automatic pathways generator will extract the pathways between any two process nodes and allow further analysis on these pathways.;Using deterministic simulation the analyst can change the current process data and experiment different "what if' scenarios. Simulation allows extracting important process statistics such as pathways time and cost, resources workloads, etc.;medBPM is a methodology for business process modeling and analysis designed specifically for health care systems. The methodology offers a rich notation to represent the elements of health processes.;Experimentation of both modules was conducted on real health care processes. In this work we present the experimentation results of the "new order" process in the pharmacy department.
Keywords/Search Tags:Process, Care, Simulation, Order
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