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An analysis on the effectiveness of Sandy Island as mitigation for the Carolina Bays Parkway

Posted on:2010-06-12Degree:M.E.E.R.MType:Thesis
University:University of South CarolinaCandidate:Shephard, Morgan HFull Text:PDF
GTID:2441390002985116Subject:Environmental management
The National Environmental Policy Act requires that potential significant environmental impacts are considered for every major federal action before the action commences. The Carolina Bays Parkway was expected to have significant environmental impacts; therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement was conducted. A large purchase from the Sandy Island Mitigation Bank was chosen by the South Carolina Department of Transportation to serve as off-site mitigation for impacts resulting from the Carolina Bays Parkway Selected Alternative. This thesis analyzes the effectiveness of Sandy Island as mitigation for the Carolina Bays Parkway with regards to the federal policy of 'no net loss' and threatened and endangered species.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bays parkway, Mitigation for the carolina bays, Environmental, Sandy island
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