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Automatizacion y estandarizacion del proceso de inspeccion para proyectos de carreteras

Posted on:2010-12-01Degree:M.EType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Moreno Cedeno, Rhoda AFull Text:PDF
The inspection in construction consists mainly on verifying that the work is being performed in accordance with plans, specifications, laws, regulations and codes. The inspection is a very important aspect, and to a large extent responsible for obtaining a project that is within the schedule and with the quality required. This report describes an effort of automating the inspection process for the Highway and Transportation Authority of Puerto Rico (HAT), which could be improved since the work would be performed in a single step, avoiding the double input of information, and at the same time the information could be documented in a better way because it is generated at the moment and can be organized digitally. The creation of standard inspection forms and the automation of them using Microsoft Access are presented. It also describes a prototype application in a current construction project of the HAT Authority.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inspection
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