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An overview of energy and greenhouse gas emissions for sustainable water infrastructure

Posted on:2009-02-25Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Waher, Kevin JuhanFull Text:PDF
Future challenges involving energy, water and climate change are the catalyst for sustainable designs, operations and practices. An investigation into the link between water and energy reveals many synergies; particularly the paramount need for sustainable water infrastructure. Conventional and unconventional energy and greenhouse gas emissions management strategies are introduced to improve today's aging water infrastructure. A water main replacement energy management strategy is applied; life cycle energy analysis (LCEA) is combined with dynamic programming to determine the optimal pipe replacement interval that minimizes life cycle energy requirements. Finally, to place emphasis on performing holistic analyses and selecting appropriate boundaries, there is an investigation into Canada's initiative to ban incandescent light bulbs. LCEA is applied with greenhouse gas intensities to understand the impacts of switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs for different regions of Canada. Results indicate some provinces experience increased residential greenhouse gas emissions due to this light bulb "switch."...
Keywords/Search Tags:Greenhouse gas emissions, Energy, Water, Sustainable
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