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Soil remediation research for a DDT-contaminated site

Posted on:2011-01-03Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Shen, HuaFull Text:PDF
DDT has been banned in developed countries for decades due to its persistence and known bioaccumulation, it is still used in some developing countries to control agricultural pests and mosquitoes (Boul, 1995). Because of current or past use, DDT & metabolites, such as DDD [1,1-dichlor02,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane] and DDE [1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl) ethylene], have become a major environmental problem in many countries throughout the world. They are 'known carcinogens'. As a consequence, significant portions of land are not able to be developed for certain uses (e.g. change of land use from agricultural to residential). It is highly likely that significant expanses of agricultural land continue to have levels of DDT and its metabolites that are elevated in concentration.Soil remediation is an appropriate method for the DDT contaminated site. However, to identify the most cost-effective and reliable procedures, further research is needed.
Keywords/Search Tags:DDT
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