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Diseno de un algoritmo de secuenciacion aplicado a la manufactura de implantes para las arterias coronarias

Posted on:2011-06-18Degree:M.EType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Clavijo Mosquera, ShirleyFull Text:PDF
GTID:2441390002457809Subject:Applied Mathematics
This study presents first a method to assign a number of lots to a given set of manufacturing modules to maximize productivity, taking into account the constraints of production capacity, demand, and designing an appropriate distribution of lots throughout modules. The second contribution of this study was to suggest a method for determining the manufacturing sequence of lots in each module to minimize the makespand, taking into account the technological sequence, avoiding machine interference, and also avoiding abrupt product-size changes.;The assigning and sequencing problems were successfully formulated and solved using mathematical programming. The mathematical formulation was designed using MATLAB, EXCEL, and LINGO computer programs, in a way that it can be easily implemented. A heuristic algorithm was also suggested to facilitate solving similar problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taking into account
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