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A classification of the finite dimensional, indecomposable representations of the Euclidean algebra e (2) having two generators

Posted on:2007-11-17Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Douglas, Andrew FFull Text:PDF
The Euclidean algebra e (2) is the Lie algebra of the group E(2) of Euclidean transformations of the plane. This thesis examines the finite dimensional representations of e (2) having two generators. Given a representation with a fixed pair of generators we associate a graph: the graph is dependent on the choice of generators and for each isomorphism class of representations there are infinitely many possible graphs. In term of graphs, we give a criterion for the indecomposability of such representations and describe an invariant for the indecomposable representations.; Next, we classify the finite dimensional, indecomposable representations of e (2) having two generators. We describe a procedure that enables us to select a single graph for each isomorphism class. This graph uniquely identifies the class.
Keywords/Search Tags:Finite dimensional, Indecomposable representations, Having two, Euclidean, Algebra, Class, Generators, Graph
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