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A classification of real indecomposable solvable Lie algebras of small dimension with codimension one nilradical

Posted on:2008-04-12Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Utah State UniversityCandidate:Parry, Alan RFull Text:PDF
This thesis was concerned with classifying the real indecomposable solvable Lie algebras with codimension one nilradicals of dimensions two through seven. This thesis was organized into three chapters.;In the first; we described the necessary concepts and definitions about Lie algebras as well as a few helpful theorems that are necessary to understand the project. We also reviewed many concepts from linear algebra that are essential to the research.;The second chapter was occupied with a description of how we went about classifying the Lie algebras. In particular, it outlined the basic premise of the classification: that we can use the automorphisms of the nilradical of the Lie algebra to find a basis with the simplest structure equations possible. In addition; it outlined a few other methods that also helped find this basis. Finally, this chapter included a discussion of the canonical forms of certain types of matrices that arose in the project.;The third chapter presented a sample of the classification of the seven-dimensional Lie algebras. In it, we proceeded step-by-step through the classification of the Lie algebras whose nilradical was one of four specifically chosen because they were representative of the different types that arose during the project.;In the appendices, we presented our results in a list of the multiplication tables of the isomorphism classes found.*.;*This dissertation is a compound document (contains both a paper copy and a CD as part of the dissertation). The CD requires the following system requirements: Windows MediaPlayer or RealPlayer.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lie algebras, Classification
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