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Witten Laplacian methods for critical phenomena

Posted on:2008-06-09Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The University of ArizonaCandidate:Lo, AssaneFull Text:PDF
It is well known that very few models of interacting systems particularly those in dimension higher than two, can be solved exactly. The mean-field treatment is the first step in approximate calculations for such models. Although mean-field approximation leads to sufficiently accurate results of the thermodynamic properties of these systems away from critical points, most often it fails miserably close to the critical points. In this thesis, we propose to study direct methods (not based on any mean-field type approximations) for proving the exponential decay of the two point-correlation functions and the analyticity of the pressure (free energy per unit volume) for models of Kac type. The methods are based on the Helffer-Sjostrand formula for the covariance in terms of Witten's Laplacians.
Keywords/Search Tags:Methods, Models, Critical
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