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Pseudopotential treatment of two body interactions

Posted on:2010-03-10Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Washington State UniversityCandidate:Kanjilal, KrittikaFull Text:PDF
Ultracold atomic gases have been of great theoretical and experimental interest in the last two decades. In these systems, the de Broglie wavelength of the particles is much greater than the two body van der Waals length. As a result, the details of the two body interaction potential are irrelevant for a large number of applications and the realistic two body interaction potential can be replaced by a simple finite range or zero range model potential that reproduces the scattering quantities of the full interaction potential. This thesis develops zero range pseudopotentials and applies them to trapped two-particle systems.;Ultracold gases loaded into optical lattices can be used to realize two particle systems under approximately harmonic confinement. We use pseudopotentials to obtain the eigenspectrum of two particles under external harmonic confinement semi-analytically.;Advancements in trapping technology have resulted in the realization of low-dimensional systems. We develop pseudopotentials to treat two body interactions in one and two dimensions. We also elaborate on the physics that is unique to one and two dimensional systems.;Feshbach resonances allow for the tunability of the effective two body interaction strength in the presence of a magnetic field. To model Feshbach resonances in two and three dimensions we develop coupled two channel zero range potentials.;Dipole-dipole interactions in Chromium and polar molecules have been the subject of a lot of recent research. Unlike the interactions between two alkali atoms, these interactions are long range and anisotropic. We explore the scattering properties of two aligned dipoles using a simple shape dependent model potential. To understand a system two aligned dipoles under confinement, we develop a pseudopotential treatment for cylindrically symmetric interaction potentials under cylindrically symmetric harmonic confinement. This pseudopotential can be used to model any cylindrically symmetric interaction potential. Our zero range treatment describes many features of two aligned dipoles under spherically symmetric harmonic confinement accurately but breaks down when applied to two aligned dipoles under cylindrically symmetric harmonic confinement. The breakdown is unique to the long range nature of the dipole-dipole interaction and expected to be absent for short range interactions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Interaction, Two body, Potential, Range, Two aligned dipoles, Symmetric harmonic confinement, Systems, Cylindrically symmetric
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