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Loop Algebras and Algebraic Geometry

Posted on:2010-12-29Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Miscione, StevenFull Text:PDF
This thesis primarily discusses the results of two papers, [Hu] and [HaHu]. The first is an overview of algebraic-geometric techniques for integrable systems in which the AKS theorem is proven. Under certain conditions, this theorem asserts the commutatvity and (potential) non-triviality of the Hamiltonian flow of Ad*-invariant functions once they're restricted to subalgebras. This theorem is applied to the case of coadjoint orbits on loop algebras, identifying the flow with a spectral curve and a line bundle via the Lax equation. These results play an important role in the discussion of [HaHu], wherein we consider three levels of spaces, each possessing a linear family of Poisson spaces. It is shown that there exist Poisson mappings between these levels. We consider the two cases where the underlying Riemann surface is an elliptic curve, as well as its degeneration to a Riemann sphere with two points identified (the trigonometric case). Background in necessary areas is provided.
Keywords/Search Tags:Loop algebras
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