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Modeling and simulation of spin transport and precession in silicon

Posted on:2009-01-23Degree:M.S.E.C.EType:Thesis
University:University of DelawareCandidate:Xu, JingFull Text:PDF
Spin-based semiconductor devices have received much research attention in recent years. Recently, spin injection, transport and detection have been realized in some research groups, paving a promising way to reduce device size and enhance efficiency in current semiconductor microelectronic technology. It is now necessary to set up mathematic models to simulate spin transport in pure and doped silicon devices.;This research puts its focus on spin drift and diffusion in silicon. An analytic model for spin transport in pure silicon is analysed. Some physical phenomena discovered in experiments are analyzed and incorporated in the model. In addition, a Monte Carlo model is also built for doped silicon spin transport devices by carefully calculating the electric field distribution and electron mobility within the transit layer. A comparison between experimental data and simulation results have been made, showing a good consistency.
Keywords/Search Tags:Spin, Transport, Silicon, Model
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