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Faddeev approach to semi-relativistic quark confinement

Posted on:2011-08-02Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:McEwen, Joseph EugeneFull Text:PDF
A method based on the Faddeev approach to three-body problems in quantum mechanics is presented, for solving the problem of three quarks confined in a linear potential. The Faddeev integral equations are used to calculate the energies for light baryons. The baryons are described by a Hamiltonian composed of a relativistic kinetic energy, a long range linear potential, and a short range chiral potential. The Faddeev approach is advantageous in that it allows for asymptotic conditions to be imposed on the integral equations and exploits the symmetries of identical particles. This approach is also advantageous in that the numerical calculations can be done efficiently on a personal computer. Results are presented for light baryons and compared to other popular methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Faddeev approach
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