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The Stage Evolution And High Quality Development Of China's Economic Growth

Posted on:2021-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L D LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330623471488Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Around the 1980 s,the Social Structure of Accumulation Theory(SSA),which was based on revealing the contradiction between capital accumulation and social system and the cyclical law of capitalist economic development,was born in the United States and gradually spread.Domestic scholars have also begun to use this theory to analyze the practice of China's economy,and initially formed CSSA theoretical research results with Chinese characteristics.At this stage,China's economic environment at home and abroad under the new normal of economy has undergone tremendous changes.A CSSA structure framework different from the previous one is being formed,and it will continue to accumulate strength for the high-quality development of China's economy.Based on the brief explanation of SSA theory,this paper tries to build a new CSSA theoretical analysis framework to explain the internal logic of economic growth and development in the 70 years since the founding of new China;divides the evolution of China's economic growth into three CSSA stages,through comparison with the economies of BRICs such as Russia,and interprets the CSSA under the state-owned industrialization strategy,CSSA under the socialist market economy and CSSA under the new foreign relations in the new stage one by one,so as to clarify the unique advantages of China's road under the leadership of the Communist Party of China with economic growth and economic development as the driving force of social and economic progress,hoping to provide useful reference for China's future high-quality economic development.The paper is divided into seven chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,which includes the background and significance of the theoretical research.It mainly analyzes the research status of SSA theory and the applicability of CSSA theoretical research.At the same time,it explains the research framework,difficulties and innovations of the article.The second chapter is literature review,which systematically combs the domestic and foreign research related to CSSA theory,and builds the core framework of CSSA theoretical analysis on this basis.The third chapter is the core of the paper.In this chapter,through the concrete image and table,the paper explains the stage and evolution of China's economic growth under the framework of CSSA in detail,forming a systematic and complete CSSA analysis framework.The next four,five and six chapters respectively analyze the evolution and disintegration of CSSA under the national industrialization strategy before the reform and opening up,the establishment and consolidation of CSSA under the socialist market economy after the reform and opening up,and the formation of CSSA under the new stage of foreign relations one by one,and systematically explain the changes of social accumulation structure in the 70 years of China's economic development.The policy suggestions and measures in Chapter seven are of more practical significance,aiming to provide action plans for the establishment and consolidation of CSSA and high-quality economic development in the new stage of foreign relations.Finally,a postscript is attached to the article.
Keywords/Search Tags:CSSA Theory, Social Structure of Accumulation, Economic Growth, High Quality Development
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