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Research On The Management Optimization Of Real Estate Mortgage From The Tiancheng Branch Of Lanzhou Bank

Posted on:2021-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330620977618Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The bank's high debt ratio makes it face various risks in the process of operation,these risks are sudden and diffuse,and if they cannot be detected and contained in time,individual risks will lead to systemic risks.Credit business is the bank's main business and the main source of bank profits.In the process of banks issuing loans to borrowers,borrowers often need to provide corresponding guarantees to reduce the risk of uncertainty faced by banks.As a form of guarantee,real estate mortgage is most popular among commercial banks.Because of the preserving and realizing properties of mortgage property,banks have a good risk mitigation effect when dealing with overdue loans.According to statistics,more than 70% of the collateral in the choice of mortgage-guaranteed property is real estate,so real estate mortgages play a significant role in the loan business of commercial banks.However,banks are often faced with risks such as irrational valuations of mortgaged real estate,management of credit account managers to expand mortgage value,and non-compliance of mortgaged mortgage management after handling mortgage loans.Then,in the process of loan business,do a good job of pre-loan value evaluation of mortgaged property,mid-loan liability determination,post-loan warrant management,will be of great significance to guarantee the bank's credit asset security.This paper studies the development status of real estate mortgage loans in the credit business of Lanzhou Bank Tiancheng Sub-branch,analyzes the risks of pre-lending credit investigations and the risks of mortgage real estate value evaluation in the process of real estate mortgage business,and proposes to first apply the "5C" credit analysis method to The borrower performs a qualitative analysis and implements a one-vote veto system.If the borrower meets the basic credit conditions required by the bank and then uses the discounted cash flow method to evaluate the value of the mortgaged commercial house,the market method and cost method areused for valuation.Low valuation of residential real estate;analyze the operational risk and professional competence risk of the managing client manager in the process of loan disbursement in the loan,propose the integration of the client manager's evaluation error rate and bad recovery rate into the performance appraisal,and recommend the establishment of a house price comparison database to reduce the risk caused by insufficient professional knowledge of the client manager;To analyze risks in the process of management after mortgage,such as disordered investigated mortgage certificates,then to provide some measures like programmed management for mortgage certificates,managers' following and evaluating estate status.Based on the analysis of real estate mortgage risk control of Lanzhou Bank Tiancheng Sub-branch,in the pre-loan evaluation,mid-loan business operations,and post-loan risk management,the risks were identified in multiple stages and phases,and the entire mortgage loan management was strengthened,so that the process risks Control runs through the acceptance,disbursement,and supervision of a loan,which not only ensures the safety of loan disbursement,but also minimizes losses in the event of a bad loan.
Keywords/Search Tags:bank, real estate mortgage, management
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