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Research On D Bank Of XX Company Loans Project Risk Management

Posted on:2021-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330611467793Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Corporate loan has always been the main project of Banks,and it is also the main economic source for Banks to obtain income from the interest rate of loans,and it is an indispensable part of promoting economic development in the whole financial industry.In recent years,with the booming development of city D's economy,the government has adjusted the preferential policies of tax reduction or exemption for small and micro businesses,and encouraged college students to start their own businesses,small and micro businesses in city D have sprung up like mushrooms.Among them,small and micro manufacturing enterprises occupy a large part of D city,followed by an increasing demand for loans from small and micro enterprises.Bank loans have become an important source of cash for small and micro businesses in the region and for their continuous operations.However,although the demand for bank loans,Banks earn profits space is ideal,D city small micro enterprise assets,comprehensive strength is uneven,with the rapid economic development,the regulation of national policy,the change of market interest rates and other factors,Banks and other financial institutions if the devotion to the amount of loan business,and ignore the quality of the loan business,ignoring the loan risk exists,it will bring great loss to the bank.How to effectively identify the loan risks of small and micro enterprises,how to optimize the loan risk management system and take relevant measures to deal with the risks have become the main content of this paper.This paper takes XX company D bank small micro enterprise loan project as the main object of study,the main content is divided into the following several parts,the first part,the study of domestic and foreign loan project risk management related content,the research content and method of constructing a framework,the paper overall simple overview paper main content and research method.The second part,from the theoretical understanding of risk management and the basic content of bank loan project risk management,to determine the direction of the thesis.In the third part,the assets and solvency of XX company are comprehensively evaluated.After discovering the existing loan risks,the analytic hierarchy process(AHP)combined with qualitative and quantitative methods is used to weigh the risk categories and classify the loan risks.In the fourth part,the causes of risks of XX company are analyzed.By analyzing the causes of internal risks of XX company,including solvency,operation efficiency,guarantor's qualification,and external risks,including policy regulation,market interest rate and market development prospect,the causes of project risks are found out.The fifth part: after analyzing the causes of risk of XX company's loan project,it proposes relevant optimization measures from the aspects of D bank's pre-loan investigation and management system,guarantor management system,post-loan inspection and management system,etc.,which plays a role in reducing loan risks and preventing risks for XX company's loan project.Part six: summarize the content of this paper,and hope that the conclusions of this paper based on the actual case study can play a certain role in the risk management of loan projects of small and micro enterprises of bank D.
Keywords/Search Tags:Micro Enterprises, Commercial Bank, Loans Risk Management
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