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Research On The Motivations And Risks Of Internet Enterprise M&A From The Perspective Of New Retail

Posted on:2021-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J WeiFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of the Internet,China has entered the Internet era of all people.Emerging technologies such as big data,artificial intelligence,and cloud computing are reshaping people's living environments.Consumer-centered integration of online,offline and modern The "New retail" model of logistics is the future development trend.Since the concept of "New retail" was proposed in 2016,Internet enterprises mainly based on Alibaba and Tencent have launched a series of mergers and acquisitions to lay out a blueprint for future New retail strategies."New retail" is a brand-new business form,a series of M&A activities carried out by Internet enterprises in the process of exploring the best landing mode of New retail is worthy for our in-depth study.This is important for enriching the research of Internet enterprises in the New retail era.The theoretical significance also has a strong practical guiding significance for future enterprises in the exploration of "New retail".This article reviews the previous research on the motivations and risks of mergers and acquisitions,and uses Alibaba merging with SunArt as an example to study the motivations and risks of Internet enterprises' mergers and acquisitions in the "New retail" era,and makes some suggestions for the future development of Internet enterprises.The article is divided into six parts.The chapter one is the introduction.This article introduces the research background,research significance,research methods,research content,innovation and shortcomings of this article;Chapter two is a literature review.After reading a lot of literature about the motivations and risks of M&A by domestic and foreign scholars,the research status of M&A in the Internet enterprise is reviewed and the literature is reviewed.The chapter three is the definition of the concept and theoretical analysis.First,the relevant definitions and theories of New retail and M&A are introduced,and then theoretical analysis is performed based on the relevant theories to provide a theoretical basis for the following case studies.Chapter four is the case introduction.This chapter introduces the development status of China's Internet enterprise,Alibaba and Sun Art,their processes of M&A,and the reasons for selecting cases.Chapter five is a case analysis.Combined with the case of Alibaba merging with Sun Art,an in-depth analysis of the motivations and risks of M&A of Internet enterprises in the New retail era;Chapter six is a summary and recommendations.Through research,this article believes that under the New retail trend,Internet enterprises seek synergies,increase market power,diversify operations,and drive data as the main motivations for their M&A.In the process of M&A,valuation and pricing risks,financing payment risks,and integration risk is the main risks.In the "New retail"strategic mergers and acquisitions,special attention must be paid to the integration of technology,business and data.In addition,this article innovatively analyzes the profitability,operating ability,debt service ability and development ability of SunArt after the M&A,and evaluates the integration risk of this merger through the integration effect.The author believes that Alibaba and SunArt still has a long way to go,but the future is worth looking forward to.Finally,the author suggests that enterprises should first seize the development opportunities of "New retail" and occupy a strategic initiative;secondly,they should guard against M&A risks and take multiple measures."New retail" is the future development trend.Only by working together can we achieve a win-win situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:New retail, M&A Motivations, M&A Risks, Alibaba
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